
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Benefits of Traditional Herbs for Bath Body

In the past people familiar with the traditional herb bath is a special treatment for women who come from aristocratic palace.

But now no longer, as time went on the more advanced time anyone can enjoy this type of treatment.

With a variety of unique fragrance, will greatly assist themselves in the process of relaxation of body and mind tired. Other efficacy can be obtained among others to clean and care for beauty.

For those of you who have a problem with body odor, this treatment is very well suited for cleaning the stubborn body odor.

How to bathe the traditional spices this can be adjusted to comfort. For example, by boiling or soaking herbal tea in hot water laced with herbs such as sandalwood, turmeric and betel rhizome and flower extract oil like rose or jasmine oil.

Many other virtues nourish the skin, improve circulation sirjkulasi O2 and peripheral blood, skin retain moisture, preventing wrinkles.

Various properties are derived from the herb bath, which became its main purpose is to relax themselves, and perawatn beauty that can be obtained of course with the routine maintenance.

In addition to nutritious foods and not smoking adalh important things that must be underlined, Treatment above it only as a supporting.
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Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles.

Some foods or unhealthy behavior can make a person more susceptible to germs. Here are some simple ways to help you stay healthy.
1) Drink water at least eight glasses of water a day to help you stay hydrated and help neutralizing toxins.

2) Avoid high fat, high sugar, processed foods that drain your immune system and begin to eat more fruits and vegetables every day.

3) Avoid caffeine in excessive amounts. Caffeine in excess can deplete your system of essential nutrients and minerals, weaken your ability to fight germs.

4) a good nights sleep. You may need to sleep 6-10 hours depending on the age, health and activity level.
5) Do not smoke. We all know the risks here, but if you forget, smoking damage your respiratory tract to make you more susceptible to colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

6) Wash hands at least 20-30 seconds after the activity.
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Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Steam Therapy with herbs blend of spices, Javanese-Kalimantan Traditions

Being healthy is a gift of unmatched by anything in this world, with a healthy human being can produce all sorts of in dreams. Perhaps the factors that make each individual / creative areas found naturally nutritious ingredients to treat and maintain health.

The use of native herbs such as the current Java was introduced for urban communities such as herbs spices beverages, luluran, skin and beauty treatments like a very efficacious for men and women.

Another case to note that the ingredients are from outside Java, such as the famous Borneo Rampah spices herbs which have proven very Khasiatnya believed in maintaining, caring for and maintaining health.

3 + 0 Therapy Steam Bath Potions Java-Kalimantan is a special place that provides medical therapies, beauty and treatment using the combination of spices herbs Java-Kalimantan. Steam bath with relaxation herb fun tradition that we offer to you who want the body to be healthy and fit. Similarly, for the bride to a wedding would be to add the spirit of the aura of natural beauty.

Efficacy of this potion is very useful for womankind as a traditional herb was able to eliminate Kalimantan whitish, flattened organ extracts intimate or highly maintain Rapet plasticity of the body (for those who have given birth), tightening and smoothing the skin. With the aroma of spices rempahnya refreshing and highly nutritious to relax their nerves taut nerves so that circulation becomes smooth after a full day of your activity.

Do not forget we suggest that the 3 + 0 Therapy Steam Bath Potions Traditional Spice is also efficacious for this type of complaint / disease such as:

- Diabetes / Diabetes
- Asthma / Shortness of Breath
- Headaches
- Pegal earthquake / Masuk Angin
- Acid veins, tingling, Rheumatism
- Ambien
- Receipt, Yellow and Sick, etc.

Steam Therapy with herbs blend of spices, Javanese traditions in Kalimantan will effectively neutralize toxins toxins in your body and any complaints or diseases that can increase productivity and the perfection of your life in everyday activities.

1 x Treatment Cost Steambath only Rp 20,000,00
Open every day Monday through Saturday (Sunday Holiday)
ari 08.00 - 18.00


Jl. Kebon Kopi Rt 005 Rw 04 No. 108
Kelurahan Pondok Betung, Kecamatan Pondok Aren
Tangerang - Banten 15221

Phone: 0812 808 16 800
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Detoxification is an action performed by someone with a way to consume certain foods entirely to remove toxins in the body. Because, sometimes the system does not act human eksresi perfectly, so there are still remnants left in the metabolism in the body and the toxins.

Detoxification which is mostly done with therapy detoxification fruit / vegetables. This therapy has their own advantages, which can maintain a good metabolism.

In addition, your body weight to be more awake, skin clean and smooth, enhance the body's immune system, eliminate cellulite, improve the body's immune system, making the body more fresh, so sleep well and become qualified. Everyone can do this detox, except pregnant and lactating women, suffer from chronic illness, and are in treatment or medical care, and toddlers.

As initial therapy, you can do detox for 3 days. You just eat fruit or vegetables and water for 3 days of detoxification. Initially you will feel weak and headache, because most of the energy focused on the disposal functions. Advised to undertake the activity or the activity is too heavy for detoxification. If you've used, you can continue for 7 days into the future by applying the principles or monodiet taking one kind of fruit in a single day until you finish detoxification.

If you do not like to eat vegetables, you can consume as chlorophyll as his successor. Chlorophyll is the essence of green vegetables that one function is to clean up toxins in the body (detoxification). Besides it was tasteless and odorless, 1 teaspoon liquid chlorophyll (Synergy Worldwide products NSP) is equivalent to the consumption of 1 kg of vegetables! More information about liquid chlorophyll.
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Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Enam Manfaat Terapi Uap

TERAPI uap (steam therapy) telah lama dikenal dalam sistem pengobatan tradisional untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kesehatan serta kecantikan. Terapi uap ini bisa dilakukan di rumah atau bahkan di klinik dokter hingga salon kecantikan dan dinyatakan efektif untuk mengatasi berbagai kondisi termasuk depresi ringan, kelelahan kronis, ketergantunagan nikotin, hipertensi, rasa sakit kronis, gangguan pernafasan, dan penyakit kardiovaskular.

Salah satunya adalah tempat terapi mandi uap di wilayah Bintaro Trade Center yaitu 3+0 Terapi Mandi Uap Ramuan Rempah Tradisional Jawa-Kalimantan yang merupakan pelopor tempat terapi mandi uap di Jakarta.

Tidak hanya berdasarkan testimoni semata, terapi uap ini juga dinyatakan efektif berdasarkan studi ilmiah. Berikut beberapa manfaat lain yang bisa Anda dapatkan dengan melakukan terapi uap.

1. Sinusitis

Sebuah studi terbaru dari Southampton University menemukan, sebuah handuk dan sebaskom air panas beruap lebih efektif mengatasi sinusitis dibandingkan obat. Dalam studi ini, 300 pasien yang biasa menggunakan antibiotik untuk mengatasi gejala-gejala diminta menghirup uap. Hasil studi menemukan, uap panas efektif melonggarkan saluran pernafasan sehingga memperbaiki pernafasan dan aliran mucus.

Sebelumnya, The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) dan the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology telah merekomendasikan mandi uap bagi penderita sinusitis. Mandi uap dinyatakan efektif membuat pasien sinusitis merasa jauh lebih nyaman.

2. Tidur nyenyak

Terapi uap terbukti efektif membuat orang tidur lebih mudah dan meningkatkan durasi siklus REM (tahapan tidur dimana sebagian besar mimpi yang bisa diingat terjadi). Para dokter biasanya menganjurkan penggunaan uap sebagai pengganti obat tidur.

3. Relaksasi

Terapi uap dinyatakan efektif meredakan kecemasan. Dengan meredakan kecemasan, maka segala gangguan yang berkaitan seperti stres juga akan ikut menurun. Uap akan membuat Anda relaks. Hasil studi menunjukkan, mereka yang menikmati terapi uap selama 10-15 menit merasa lebih nyaman dan relaks.

4. Flu biasa

Sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan di Journal of Otolaryngology menemukan, menghirup uap efektif meredakan gejala-gejala flu dan memperlancar saluran pernafasan. Bahkan sebelum studi dilakukan, terapi uap telah lama digunakan untuk meredakan gejala-gejala flu. Terapi uap untuk flu juga dikenal dengan sebutan fisioterapi nebulizer dan sangat pas jika dilakukan untuk penderita asma.

5. Detoksifikasi

Panas akan mempercepat proses kimia di dalam tubuh. Dan terapi uap merupakan salah satu pilihan yang paling mudah dan sederhana untuk mengeluarkan racun-racun yang menumpuk di dalam tubuh. Saat pori-pori terbuka dan jutaan kelenjar keringat mulai mengeluarkan keringat, maka tubuh juga akan mengeluarkan sampah-sampah sisa metabolisme.

6. Memperlancar aliran darah

Terapi uap berfungsi memperlancar aliran darah. Hal ini sekaligus akan memperlanncar suplai nutrisi ke seluruh tubuh. Selama proses mandi uap, aliran darah ke kulit meningkat dari 5-10% menjadi 50-70%. Peningkatan aliran darah ini sekaligus membawa nutrisi penting ke kulit dan jaringan, menstimulasi aktivitas selular dan pertumbuhan sel-sel. (OL-08)

tuhh kan..... berkhasiat.......... hayo buruan datang

3+0 Terapi Mandi Uap Ramuan Rempah-Rempah Tradisional Jawa Kalimantan
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